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NameDag-Henning Haugen
Ranking Points2702.67
Ranking Place20455
Ranking Points
Ranking Points without Penalty(2)
  Race Points(1)PenaltyRace Points(2)

RacePoints(1) = Points given from your best races
Penalty(1) = Penalty points are given, when results are old. See FAQ for details.
RacePoints(2) = Your best RacingPoints selected including penalty for old results.
Penalty(2) = If you have less than five races the last 1095days (3years), penalty to RankingPoints are given, respectively 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%.
RankingPoints = Your average RacePoints(2), including Penalty(2)
RankingPlace is at the moment given to only Norwegians (or registered with nation code NOR). Separate RankingLists for other nations is planned to be made, when we have enough resources.